The True Furqan Al Saffee Al Mahdy 9781579211752 Books
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The True Furqan Al Saffee Al Mahdy 9781579211752 Books
I appreciate this book because of its theological content as much as the theological statement it makes. Having read the Quran and the Sunna of Mohammed in my study of Islam since Nov 2013 (5 years as of this date), I can appreciate both the similarities and the deliberate distinction and purpose behind this book. I pray that the Truth behind this book would enlighten the readers as I believe was intended.Tags : The True Furqan [Al Saffee, Al Mahdy] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Arabic and English side-by-side on every page. Prose and poetry of the highest caliber in classical Arabic with English interpretation. It contains 77 surahs (chapters) dealing with as many subjects which are beautifully written and easily understood. Love,Al Saffee, Al Mahdy,The True Furqan,Winepress Pub,1579211755,General,Christianity - Theology - Apologetics,Comparative Religion,Religion,Religion General,Theology - Apologetics
The True Furqan Al Saffee Al Mahdy 9781579211752 Books Reviews
This book has no credibility at all. The author is anonymous, the publishing house is unknown and the editorial description is childish. This book clearly imitates the Quran in style and tackles similar subjects. It is not based on any well-founded arguments and does not support any of its ideas. The only reason why this book came to the surface is because of the negative publicity it received among the Muslims through their chain emails. I believe this book will soon hit the media in the same manner the Danish cartoons did before it. Like the cartoons that provoked a reaction among some Muslims four months after they were published, this book might provoke similar reaction, in a much later fashion indeed - seven years after its presumed date of publication.
With the writer unidentified and the publisher even fishier, a number of Muslim reviewers on this page have unfairly jumped to the conclusion that an American/Western/Zionist conspiracy stands behind this work. Similar accusations were circulating in the massive emails hitting mails of many Muslims. Reviews on this page talk about a presumed Christian-Zionist conspiracy aimed at misguiding the young Muslim minds away from their true religion and the true Quran. Nothing in this book or its editorial credit sustains the imagined conspiracy theory being circulated among these Muslims.
To whoever wrote and published this worthless piece, you should at least step up and claim responsibility for this waste-of-time book. To Muslims who feel angrily offended for this imagined American-Zionist offensive, grow up. You should be more accurate in your analysis and stop throwing accusations right, left and center. Whether any American and/or Israeli stand behind this is not established at all. We should treat this book as it is A lousy piece of jargon. Just keep politics and imagined conspiracies out of it. The last thing the world needs is being inflamed over such a lousy work. To all Muslim reviewers on this page Chill, there is no conspiracy through this book. To all other non-Muslim reviewers trying to put in some propaganda Be fair, this is a worthless book by any Western or academic standard.
And for those who are circulating emails saying that this book is available for $3 in Kuwait, the book is apparently out of print and I couldn't get it for less than $20 in the US. After spending this money on this crap, I thought what I waste of time. After reading the reviewers here before me, I thought oh great, even more waste of time and imagined conspiracies.
Voice of reason guys, that's all what we need!
Since most of what I could be saying about the book has been said already.. I'll be as brief as I could.
Firstly, this book uses the phrase "In the Name of the Father, the Word, the Holy Spirit, the One and the only True God" instead of the Quranic "In the Name of God the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful".
Most of the "verses" are in the form
You who believe in XXXXXXXX are brutal nonbelievers and shall go to hell for we didn't say that, we said YYYYYYYYYYY
where XXXXXXXX is a copy pasted actual verse from the Holy Quran and YYYYYYYYYYY is some nonsense!
It's basically a message to ALL Muslims saying that the Holy Quran is not real and that this is the real thing when it's actually advocating a messed up version of Christianity!
MOST verses are modified Quranic verses... yet the writers claim that it's the word of God to all humanity! I don't get it honestly, how can it be to all humanity when the Introduction of the book says "To the Arab nation specifically and the Muslim world collectively"!!!
It was fun for the first minutes to laugh at this very failed attempt at making a fake version of the Quran.. I wouldn't call it so just because it says Quran is false and True Furqan is the real stuff and it says there no such messenger as Mohammed (PBUH) and no other messengers..
"What difference does it make to the messenger whether We maifest Ourselves as only One, Triune, ninety-nine [or three hundred sixty-five manifestations (as The Holy Book describes Jesus)?]" - page 67 .. the stuff in [] is only written in the English translation and is NOT written in the Arabic translation!! Weird, huh??
Overall, money NOT well spent!!
This book really is a sort of criticism of Islam from the perspective of Christians. It creates a sort of "cosmic drama" where the author(s?) believe that Islam was actually revealed by Satan to mislead folk. It does make some rather interesting criticisms while sort of remaining blind to its own faults. If you're looking for comparative religions, this might marginally interest you.
It is written in the form of poetry divided into "suras" much like the Qur'an, but each sura is more or less a topic they want to criticize Islam for, such as women, adultery, fasting, etc. I can't speak to the 'eloquence' of the poetry, as I'm not a native speaker and I can't really read it that quickly. Some have said it sounds alright.
There are a number of lines of Arabic that strongly resemble the Qur'an, enough that if it were an academic paper being turned in, it would immediately be flagged for plagiarism. It's kind of snarky in that way. I can how that would be very insulting to Muslims, however, and I'm not really sure if that makes the book more effective.
The English translation of the Arabic is often overdone or exaggerated to include context. For what might be a simple Arabic sentence whose most literal translation would be like "and they know", the English tends to be overly flowerly like, "and they know it but they deny it because really they are evil". It's almost to the point of being misleading. If you are an intermediate Arabic student or can read some of the Qur'an in the original Arabic, you'll see what I mean pretty quickly.
Overall, for the like $7 I paid for a hardcover book, it was OK, but I don't think most people would find it interesting.
I appreciate this book because of its theological content as much as the theological statement it makes. Having read the Quran and the Sunna of Mohammed in my study of Islam since Nov 2013 (5 years as of this date), I can appreciate both the similarities and the deliberate distinction and purpose behind this book. I pray that the Truth behind this book would enlighten the readers as I believe was intended.
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